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Bascule bridges are a type of movable bridge. That is, these bridges have a movable section that rises upwards (on a horizontal axis) to open up and allow the navigation of large ships and other water traffic. The movable section or the portion that rises is counterbalanced by a weight. The term bascule in French means see-saw, and the ...

Background: Cecal volvulus is a rare clinical entity with an average incidence of 2.8-7.1 per million people per year, accounting for 1-2% of all large bowel obstructions. Cecal bascule is the rarest type of cecal volvulus, accounting for 5-20% of all cases. Although several case reports have been published, there is no consensus regarding its diagnosis and treatment.

It is a bascule bridge. 'Bascule' roughly translates from French as 'seesaw' as the arms or bascules of the bridge seesaw or pivot on an axis to allow them to be lifted and boats to pass through. To give you an idea of how much quieter the river is today, in the 1890s the bridge was being lifted around 6000 times a year, today it is ...

The meaning of BASCULE is an apparatus or structure (such as a drawbridge) in which one end is counterbalanced by the other on the principle of the …

To further characterize clinical and epidemiologic data for BASCULE syndrome. Methods. We performed an IRB-approved retrospective chart review on patients with BASCULE syndrome evaluated at Mayo Clinic from April 2021 to November 2022. Results. A total of 17 patients were identified (13 , 4 male). Median age of onset …

Cecal bascule differs to the classical volvulus as it is not an axial torsion. It occurs when the cecum folds itself in cephalad direction and intermittently obstructs the cecal outflow to the ascending colon by creating a crease in between, like a seesaw. During embryogenesis, abnormal fusion of right colonic mesentery to the lateral wall ...

A Bascule bridge is a movable bridge that operates using a counterweight that balances the span as it pivots upward or downward to allow boats and ships to pass underneath. The name "bascule" comes from the French word for "see-saw," which is an appropriate description of the bridge's action. Bascule bridges are commonly used in ...

Other articles where bascule bridge is discussed: movable bridge: >drawbridge, or bascule, is the best known; it may be single- or double-leafed. It originated in medieval Europe, probably Normandy, as a …

A movable bridge swings up or sideways to allow passage. The two classes may be further divided into different types. The basic kinds of fixed bridges are beam, arch, suspension, and cable-stayed. The types of movable bridges include bascule, swing span, vertical lift, floating, and transporter.

Dans cet article, nous utiliserons le terme bascules dans tous les cas. La Bascule RS (SET - RESET) Une bascule est un type de dispositif logique bistable ou multivibrateur. Une bascule R-S (SET-RESET) d'entrée actif en l'état HAUT est formé avec deux portes NOR à couplage croisé, comme illustré sur la Figure 1-1 (a); Une bascule …

bascule: 1 n a structure or device in which one end is counterbalanced by the other (on the principle of the seesaw) Type of: construction, structure a thing constructed; a complex entity constructed of many parts

Bascule definition: a device operating like a balance or seesaw, especially an arrangement of a movable bridge (bascule bridge ) by which the rising floor or section is counterbalanced by a weight.. See examples of BASCULE used in a sentence.

Abstract. Caecal volvulus is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction, with the bascule subtype accounting for <10% of all cases of caecal volvulus. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality if left undiagnosed. We present the case of a 58-year-old who presented to our surgical department with symptoms of intestinal ...

There are two major types of bascule bridges including single leaf and double leaf bascule bridge. In addition to tripe and quadrable types which are occasionally constructed. The term leaf is used for the part of the bridge that moves and opens the waterway consequently. Fig.3: Single Leaf Bascule Bridge. Fig.4: Double Leaf Bascule Bridge

The meaning of BASCULE is an apparatus or structure (such as a drawbridge) in which one end is counterbalanced by the other on the principle of the seesaw or by weights.

1. Introduction. Cecal bascule is a rare form of a cecal volvulus characterized by an anterior and superiorly displaced cecum in turn causing compression of the ascending colon that can result in a large bowel obstruction, .Bascule derives from French, meaning 'seesaw', or counterbalanced bridge .It usually occurs in patients with redundant or …

This paper is intended to give an overview of considerations for balancing trunnion bascule bridges and shall discuss: The fundamentals of bascule bridge balance. Current balance criteria for bascule bridges, including AASHTO and DOT guidelines. The fundamentals of performing the balance calculations and considerations for calculating the make ...

A road sign indicating a bascule bridge ahead. There are three types of bascule bridge [1] and the counterweights to the span may be located above or below the bridge deck.. The fixed-trunnion (sometimes a "Chicago" bascule) rotates around a large axle that raises the span(s). The Chicago bascule name derives from the location where it is widely used, …

verb. tip over [phrasal verb] to knock or fall over; to overturn. He tipped the lamp over. She put the jug on the end of the table and it tipped over. topple [verb] to (make something) …

bascule nf (point où l'on dépasse la moitié de [qch]) (figurative) tipping point n : halfway point, halfway mark n : Nous avons fait la bascule hier, plus de la moitié de nos ordinateurs fonctionnent sous le nouveau système. We reached the halfway point yesterday; more than half of our computers are running on the new system.

The drawbridge, or bascule, is the best known; it may be single- or double-leafed.It originated in medieval Europe, probably Normandy, as a defensive feature of castles and towns. It was operated by a counterweight and winch. The drawbridge that formed one span of Old London Bridge was occasionally raised to permit passage of a ship having masts …

n. microtome à bascule. [Med.] See how "bascule " is translated from French to English with more examples in context. Helping millions of people and large organizations communicate more efficiently and precisely in all languages. bascule translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'basculer, balance à bascule, cheval à ...

The caecal bascule was first described in 1938 by Mandel Weinstein. 3 It involves the folding of the inferior pole of the caecum anteriorly onto the ascending colon in the cephalad direction, resulting in obstruction at the point of folding. Amongst the three types of caecal volvulus described in literature, the caecal bascule (Type 3) is the ...

The "BASCULE" syndrome has been first described in 2016 by Bessis et al. in four children as a dermatosis associated with bier anemic spots, cyanosis, and urticaria-like eruption. The symptoms mostly affect the lower limbs, sometimes the forearm, and are generally associated with tenderness, itching, and edema. Painful sensations have been ...

The bridge was replaced with a modern bascule bridge in 2000. State Street: There have been two bridges crossing the Milwaukee River at State Street. The first was an iron swing bridge built in 1871. The second was a bascule bridge constructed in 1924 that was recently rehabilitated. The State Street Bridge is significant as the first bascule ...

A movable bridge swings up or sideways to allow passage. The two classes may be further divided into different types. The basic kinds of fixed bridges are beam, arch, suspension, …

bascule in British English. (ˈbæskjuːl ) noun. 1. Also called: balance bridge, counterpoise bridge. a bridge with a movable section hinged about a horizontal axis and counterbalanced by a weight. Compare drawbridge. 2. a movable roadway forming part of such a bridge.

Advantage of Swing Bridges. Wind load on swing bridge is minimum compared with other types of movable bridges. Since swing span moves horizontally during opening of the bridge, the moment generated by wind force is smaller compared with other movable bridge types (bascule and vertical lifting bridge). Two movable spans in one moving structure ...

basculer ( qqn./qqch.) verb. tip v ( tipped, tipped) toggle (sth.) v. J'appuie sur la touche pour basculer en mode plein écran. I press the button to toggle to full screen mode. tilt (sth.) …

Bascule definition: a device operating like a balance or seesaw, especially an arrangement of a movable bridge (bascule bridge ) by which the rising floor or section is …

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