A view of the Minto mine. (Capstone Mining Corp.) New court orders have put Minto Metals Corp., which abandoned its central-Yukon mine in May, into full receivership and will also see the ...

The mine was abandoned by its owners in May 2023, and the Yukon government and its contractors have maintained the site since then. PwC was appointed as the receiver to try to come up with the money to pay the creditors of the mine's previous owners by selling the mine as a whole property or liquidating its individual assets.
The Yukon government's submission to the court neither agreed to nor opposed the additional borrowing. Spending detailed in a Nov. 2 report published by the receiver includes $211,356 on property insurance, $47,107 on legal counsel and $38,492 for an appraiser to visit the mine and appraise its buildings, infrastructure and equipment.
When Wolverine's underground mine flooded in 2017, the resulting contaminated water had to be diverted to the mine's tailings pond, treated and then discharged. Yukon Zinc was supposed to build a water treatment plant by 2015 as per its licence, issued two years prior. That never happened, so the government was left to …
These claims have a good history, and easy access. We are twenty miles from Dawson City Yukon Canada. Half hour drive from town. In the spring, summer and fall the government maintains the road. The access is good to these claims throughout the season. 10 kilometers on upper Bonanza road. 14 claims, one of which is a discovery claim.
Yukon government officials say they're still trying to determine the extent of the damage at the Eagle mine site, more than four days after a "significant" slide damaged infrastructure and indefinitely halted operations at the mine, and potentially released cyanide into the environment.They also said it will likely be next week before water …
The con shed at Minto mine. The Minto copper-gold mine is located in the Whitehorse Mining division in the Yukon Territory, about 240km north-west of Whitehorse in Canada. It began production in October 2007 and is currently operated as an open-pit mine. It is owned by Minto Explorations Ltd, a subsidiary of Capstone Mining …
Update 12:50 p.m: A representative of the Yukon government's Department of Energy, Mines and Resources has confirmed that Victoria Gold reported a heap leach failure at the Eagle Gold Mine this morning. Per the department spokesperson, the company has also reported that no workers were injured. They added that mine …
This claim can be converted to titled land (Approx 23 acres) • 7 claims with Class 4 Water license with diversion permit to 2022. • Initial testing showing 1 – 2+ oz gold for 100 yd3 processed. • Some coarse nuggets and mostly flake. • Shallow to bedrock 0 – 4m depths with small spotty frost. • Plenty of water with no chance of ...
You can use our interactive selection tool to: search for placer and quartz claim maps; and. print or save the maps to use them in the field. View the mining index map viewer. You can purchase a printed paper copy of the map at our district mining recorders offices. Read a information sheet on how to import the claim map into Avenza.
Mine design. 15.06 A design report shall be prepared and maintained. assessing the ground stability of the active and proposed workings of the mine or project, including drawings, plans, specifications developed by or under the direction of a professional engineer, based upon geo-technical engineering practices that.
Jun 28, 2024 | 3:52 PM. WHITEHORSE — Yukon government mining officials say a recent slide of ore at a gold mine in the territory was the second such failure this year. Russell McDiarmid, the government's head of major mines, says they're hoping to get test results back next week to find out if the latest slide in a heap-leach facility at ...
1. Claim Staking: To mine gold in the Yukon, you must first stake a claim on a piece of land. Claim staking involves physically marking the land and then recording the claim with the Yukon's Mining Recorder's Office. Before staking a claim, you should ensure the land is open for staking, as not all lands in the Yukon are available. 2.
See placer gold mining as we do it today; learn the processes, from staking a claim to selling the gold and all that's between; compare the historical methods to the modern technologies, and hear our stories about life in the Klondike goldfields. ... Box 912, Dawson City, Yukon, Canada Y0B 1G0 (867) 993-5023 goldbottom@gmail. mens watches
There are 7 Type II mines in Yukon. These have or may have unfunded environmental liabilities. Some are abandoned and others are operating. At the time of Yukon's devolution, 7 mine sites were identified that have, or could have, unfunded environmental liabilities. These mine sites are called Type II mine sites.
Funding and supports for business. Mining. Here you can find tasks related to mining in Yukon. If you need more information, contact a district mining recorder's office or email [email protected].